In life and work, we often encounter moments where accountability becomes a defining factor. Truth is, taking accountability is not always easy, not by any means. Habitual patterns pop in, making excuses or projecting blame onto others or onto the situation sometimes just easier. There is no growth in the patterns, excuses or blaming others. We need to face our challenges head-on, learn from our setbacks, reframing obstacles as opportunities.
Being 100% responsible is about owning our actions, choices and how we show up daily. It’s not just a mantra, it needs to become our daily reality. It is a mindset that transforms how we approach life, the challenges of life, our relationships, our opportunities, our everything. Accountability is where truth-telling lies, ultimately where personal and professional growth emerge.
Some key elements of being 100% responsible:
Owning how we show up: How we show up every single day matters, really matters. Each day, we have a choice in how we present ourselves. Being responsible means showing up with integrity, positivity, and purpose. Being our authentic selves. Whether in professional settings or personal interactions, taking ownership of our attitude and energy sets the tone for meaningful conversations. Stepping in and taking accountability for our less than stellar moments of behavior too.
Thus, we are 100% responsible for how we show up, every moment of every day.
Finding and Using Our Voice: Our voice puts our personal stamp upon the world. In our healthcare and nursing environments, responsibility includes advocating for ourselves and for others. Speaking up and addressing issues or suggesting improvements is not just a duty—it’s an act of personal leadership that creates positive change. For many, speaking up takes courage.
Thus, we are 100% responsible for being courageous and speaking up.
Setting Boundaries: Setting and maintaining personal/professional boundaries is a critical aspect of responsibility. We teach people how they can treat us. Boundaries are a form of self-love, protect our well-being, and ensure that we operate at our best. It’s up to us to put limits in place and honor them.
Thus, we are 100% responsible for setting personal and professional boundaries.
Taking Accountability for Mistakes/Missteps: No one is perfect. Owning up to our mistakes and taking steps to correct them demonstrates maturity and commitment to personal and professional growth. Accountability strengthens relationships, builds trust and personal credibility.
Thus, we are 100% responsible for owning our mistakes or missteps.
Championing Teamwork/Improving our Environment: Responsibility in our team settings involves collaboration, support, and lifting others up. Whether it’s in our workplace, home or community, we hold the power to make things better. Taking initiative to address challenges or introducing solutions reflects our commitment to responsibility and progress. By fostering a culture of teamwork, we contribute to a thriving, productive environment where everyone succeeds together.
Thus, we are 100% responsible for championing teamwork and improving our work environments.
Shining Our Light: Being 100% responsible includes using our unique gifts, strengths, and skills to inspire and uplift others. When we show up authentically, we give others permission to do so too. Shine brightly, be the beacon for others. When we shine brightly, we leave an indelible mark that goes beyond immediate outcomes.
Thus, we are 100% responsible for shining our light and showing up authentically.
Creating a Living Legacy: Responsibility includes looking at our long-term impact. By being intentional with our words and our actions, we are creating our living legacy—one that is built on authenticity, care, and positive influence.
Thus, we are 100% responsible for creating our own living legacy.
Prioritizing Self-Care: Responsibility extends to self-care too. As healthcare employees, we are not always good at taking time to honor ourselves by executing our own self-care. This is something many of us need to take a serious look at. (I do for sure.) We can only give our best to others when we are refueled and rejuvenated. Taking time to recharge is not-selfish—it is a vital part of maintaining resilience and ensuring long-term success. Most importantly, it helps us to maintain a work/life balance and an optimal health status.
Thus, we are 100% responsible for prioritizing our own self-care and refueling initiatives.
In review of these key elements of taking 100% responsibility, what needs your attention? Take action and be intentional about your next steps.
Embracing responsibility: Taking full responsibility is not about control, but personal empowerment. By embracing this mindset, we unlock a powerful sense of purpose and the ability to make a lasting difference.
Choose to embrace 2025 being 100% responsible!
Contact me:
Cella Janisch-Hartline, RN, BSN, PCC Professional Certified Coach, Nursing Leadership Senior Manager for Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative has been involved in various healthcare industry leadership positions for the past 40 years. The majority of her career has been spent working in an acute care critical access facility for nearly 25 years. Throughout her work experience, she has learned most of her leadership skills and techniques through the school of “hard knocks”. Cella’s passion for teaching leadership tips and techniques earned her the 2018 Outstanding Educator Award through the National Rural Health Association. She is well-known for her humorous, engaging and personable facilitation style. |