This service focuses on the quality of the health care delivery process, from a system-specific or clinical aspect. It provides an effective and economical option for rural medical staffs and hospitals as they evaluate the quality and appropriateness of patient care.
Experienced physicians actively practicing in a rural setting complete the reviews. Each reviewer has an active credentials file within the RWHC CVO Service which allows proper monitoring of their credentials. The specialty of the record to be reviewed is always matched to the specialty of the reviewer. All reviewers use a standard template for their reports and include a narrative if they deem it necessary to report their findings.
All submitted records are redacted by the requesting hospital to assure all facility, patient, and physician identities are protected. The reviewer is also assured of anonymity to maintain this service as a quality improvement opportunity.
Completed reports are available to the hospital contact person within four –six weeks of the receipt of records. Participating hospitals and their medical staffs express appreciation for this cost effective process to confirm good care or identify opportunities for improvement.
For additional information about the RWHC Peer Review Service, please contact
Bonnie Laffey at (608) 643-2343.