Preceptor Training Program

Preceptor Training Program (2-day)

RWHC is pleased to offer a two-day Preceptor Training Program * at the RWHC Office & Training Center in Sauk City on:

  • March 31 & April 1, 2025
  • This program, presented by  Cella Janisch-HartlineRN, BSN, PCC Professional Certified Coach, Nursing Leadership Senior Manager,  and Erin Smital, RN, Nursing Professional Development Educator, Nurse Residency Coordinator and Lean Residency Coordinator, is geared to any healthcare professional role, including nursing, lab, pharmacy, therapies, radiology, nutrition, admissions, etc. Pairing experienced healthcare professionals with new employees has the potential to quickly bring classroom learning to real life competence. But being skilled in one’s technical role and being an able teacher are two different roles. This 2-day* program will build those teaching and mentoring skills necessary to engage new employees in a way that builds competence and confidence for both learner and mentor. It provides opportunities for practice and feedback related to the essential skill set for preceptors through simulation learning and role-playing scenarios.  *Preceptors must attend both days.
Program Objectives

On Day One, preceptors will learn to:

  • Identify parameters of the preceptor role
  • Determine key elements of effective professional role modeling
  • Determine key elements of effective professional role modeling
  • Identify socialization process of new departmental employees
  • Create a professional integration plan
  • Assess learning needs of the preceptee
  • Plan effective learning for the preceptee
  • Identify generational perspectives/needs
  • Examine personality preferences and innate differences
  • Foster an effective learning climate
  • Address specific learning behaviors of preceptees

On Day Two, preceptors will learn to:

  • Implement effective feedback techniques
  • Teach technical skills through a competency-based approach
  • Promote critical thinking, reflection, learning through experiences
  • Demonstrate communication skills to resolve conflict
  • Recognize behaviors that constitute lateral violence
  • Evaluate performance
  • Utilize techniques for responding to challenging learners
  • Teach techniques in real-time:

– Teaching in the moment: The One-Minute Preceptor
– Teaching after the moment: End of shift debriefing and critical incidence debriefing

*Nurse Preceptor Training is available on-site. Contact Cella Janisch-Hartline at 608-644-3235,, for an individual consultation.