RWHC Office & Training Center
880 Independence Ln
Sauk City
United States
Caring for the Sicker Patient -2025
Event Starts: 2/13/2025 9:00 AM
Event Ends: 2/14/2025 4:00 PM
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Caring for the Sicker Patient
Thursday & Friday,
February 13 & 14, 2025
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. CT
RWHC Office & Training Center
880 Independence Lane
Sauk City, WI 53583
Registration Deadline: January 23rd
Missed the deadline?
Click here to inquire if spots remain.
RWHC Member & Affiliate Member:
$400 per person
Non-RWHC Member:
$480 per person
Fee includes program materials. Lunch is on your own.
1.2 CEUs
RWHC is approved as a provider of continuing health education by the Wisconsin Society for Healthcare Education and Training (WISHET). RWHC designates this activity for up to 12 contact hours (1.2 CEUs) of continuing education for allied health professionals.
Sarah Ewers, BSN, RN, is the Nursing Clinical Development Educator for Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative. Sarah earned her Bachelor in Science of Nursing through Viterbo University, and continues to have a passion to hold herself accountable for multiple hours of continuing education. She brings a wealth of experience in providing quality care to patients in multiple settings including Intensive Care, Medical-Surgical, Rehabilitation, Assisted Living, and Long-Term Care. She brings a fresh approach that participants can relate to and bring back to their work practice to implement and grow in their career. She is excited to share her real-world experience to inspire and influence healthcare providers., 608-644-3227
Target Audience:
All acute care nurses
Program Description:
- Are you an RN new to rural acute care?
- Is your role as an RN expanding and requiring you to care for and manage more critical patients?
- Have you been in your nursing role for a while and need a refresher on critical patient cases?
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, this workshop is designed for you. This two-day class will cover and explore different acute care cases with the risk for decline. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss and work through critical thinking case studies with other nurses, engage in simulated (hands on) learning opportunities, prioritize nursing assessment and interventions, and review different critical medications used for sicker patients. This comprehensive course is designed to provide rural acute care nurses with a foundation to recognize decline and to implement standards of care and best practice, to boost nurses’ comfort to care for the sicker patient.
Program Objectives: Participants will learn to:
- Articulate the anatomy and physiology characteristics to each identified critical case discussed
- Recognize more critical patient cases:
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbation
- Atrial fibrillation rapid ventricular rate
- ST-elevation myocardial infarction vs. non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction
- Stroke
- Sepsis
- Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
- Alcohol withdrawal
- Engage in critical thinking and integrate knowledge learned through simulated case studies
- Review the signs and symptoms of stroke and prioritize care interventions
- Recognize failure to rescue and nursing interventions in patients with COPD
- Prioritize nursing interventions to detoxing a patient with care considerations
- Participate in the review of central and arterial line access
- Recognize signs and symptoms of sepsis and implement interventions per sepsis bundle
- Discuss interventions for caring for patients in DKA
- Review cardiac rhythms and medications used for treatment and maintenance