
RWHC Office & Training Center 880 Independence Ln
Sauk City
United States

Perioperative Series: Perioperative Emergencies

Event Starts: 2/19/2025 9:00 AM

Event Ends: 2/19/2025 4:30 PM

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Perioperative Part 1: Perioperative Emergencies

Perioperative Series:
Perioperative Emergencies

Wednesday, February 19, 2025
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. CT

RWHC Office & Training Center
880 Independence Lane
Sauk City, WI 53583


Registration Deadline: January 29th

Missed the deadline?
Click here to inquire if spots remain.


RWHC Member & Affiliate Member:
$200 per person

Non-RWHC Member:
$240 per person

Fee includes program handouts. Lunch is on your own.

0.65 CEUs


RWHC is approved as a provider of continuing health education by the Wisconsin Society for Healthcare Education and Training (WISHET). RWHC designates this activity for up to 6.5 contact hours (0.65 CEUs) of continuing education for allied health professionals.


Cella Janisch-Hartline

Sarah EwersBSN, RN, is the Nursing Clinical Development Educator for Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative. Sarah earned her Bachelor in Science of Nursing through Viterbo University and continues to hold herself accountable for multiple hours of continuing education. She brings a wealth of experience in providing quality care to patients in multiple settings including Intensive Care, Medical-Surgical, Rehabilitation, Assisted Living, and Long-Term Care. She has a fresh approach that participants can relate to and bring back to their work practice to implement and grow in their career.

Brenda Gillingham

Brenda Gillingham, RN, BSN, CPAN, has been an RN for almost 30 years. She began in ICU before moving to Phase I recovery; an area she is passionate about. While in this position, Brenda initiated and oversees ACLS, PALS, PEARS, and Malignantt Hyperthermia education in addition to Phase I orientation. Brenda served as the Wisconsin Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses President for two years. She received the WISPAN Excellence in Clinical Practice Award.

Cindy McCauley

Cindy McCauley, RN, BSN, Clinical Educator at Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative and Staff Educator at Sauk Prairie Healthcare. During the 38 years of her RN career, she has been involved in various healthcare staffing and leadership positions. For the past 34 years, most of her career has been spent working in Surgery Center, PACU/OR, and staff education. She is a Certified American Heart Association instructor for Basic Life Support, Advanced Cardiac Life Support, & Pediatric Advanced Life Support with over twenty-two years of teaching and running drills for Malignant Hyperthermia education. Cindy has a passion for teaching and providing support to all learners.

Target Audience:
All aspects for perioperative nurses (pre-op, intra-op and post-op) or nurses required to recover patients as part of their duties

Program Description:
This workshop is designed to help nurses and health care providers recognize risk factors, assessment findings and required interventions to low volume/high risk perioperative situations/emergencies.

Program Objectives – Participants will learn to:

  1. Review perioperative emergencies related to anesthesia drugs, laryngospasm, emergence delirium, shock, congestive heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, pulmonary emboli and malignant hyperthermia
  2. Recognize the anatomy and physiology characteristics/considerations to each identified emergency discussed
  3. Prioritize nursing interventions to be implemented in these various emergencies
  4. Engage in critical thinking/incorporating the knowledge learned through case studies/simulation
  5. Review American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classification system
  6. Understand how ASA is related to nursing care during procedural sedation
  7. Review ASPAN’s standards of perianesthesia nursing practice
  8. Discuss implementing one’s professional organizations’ standards into practice

Visit the RWHC Clinical Education Series web page to view all our class offerings.
